Saturday, January 30, 2010


Our Government promised to help the people in Iceland about a year ago. The party we voted in promised to save our homes. That was their campaign slogan....
I know a man that can't afford to eat if he pays all his bills. I feel sorry for him, I really do. I've been there but didn't talk about it because I was in that situation long before the average Icelandic person was.

I found out last week that our congress was going to spend 8 million Icelandic kronur to renew the lights in our Parliament building?

I know a boy that sells stolen goods on the streets here in Iceland to get food. He's only twelve years old. He's a good kid and very intelligent. I guess better lighting in our Parliament building matters more than feeding our people in need?

Our Government preaches honesty and they are going to get to the bottom of this!
I know a lady that witnessed all the loan papers being torn up when the crash hit....All the papers with our politician names on it? There is a big majority of the Icelandic Parliament that got their loans deleted during the crash?

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