Monday, April 05, 2010

Mourning my country

The situation here in Iceland has become surreal. My friend from youth is a news reported and has covered the situation very well on the news channels. The average family can't make ends meet. If they live a normal life they are still going to get in to 1 million kronar dept ( around $1,800) each year. When I say average family I'm talking about people that don't have unusual loans and both are working in a job with a good income, around 1/2 million kronurs a month. When I saw her report the other day I thought, "Okay, so the average family is starting to suffer too!"

What makes this so sad is that the government is not doing a thing. People keep going under; some slowly others rapidly. Will they end up owning all of our homes? Offering our children a bleak future? Keep cutting down in medical care? Only offering assistance to people that are already bankrupt?

I feel like I don't have a country anymore. My Government doesn't care about us....They only care about a political agenda and saving face to the outside World? Are we experiencing the death of our young nation because of money hungry politicians?

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