I'm overworked and have too many problems going on in my life and I just feel like selling my apartment and moving to New Foundland or something, buy some sheep and become a farmer!!! I am at a point in my life where I realize that this rat race sucks and leaves you with alot of security but oh so empty headed. I'm a single mom and prided myself in the fact that I can put my son in private school, buy him nice clothes, have two cats, etc; all on my paycheck. I woke up a few days ago and realize that what I'm slaving for isn't true security and doesn't really leave anything in the long run, except the apartment maybe. Yes I'm doing this for my son but he doesn't really like the person that I've become; I come home at night and fall asleep on the couch and he knows that I'm not really listening to him in the mornings because I'm running late for work.Oh dear god, please give me wisdom to solve this problem and the ability to laugh at myself when I look back at this point in my life ;-)