"Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving what we cannot forget creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future."
-Lewis B. Smedes
I'm working hard on forgiving some people in my past and I believe when I have accomplished that I will have a brighter and happier future. Anger and resentment are like open wounds that keep getting picked open, eventually it gets infected and spreads through out your whole life. I have a great Psychiatrist that gives me assignments every two weeks and he wants me to reflect on many of my behaviors that are caused by bad experiences from childhood. It is unbelieveable how I'm controlled and programmed from some thing that happened 30 yrs. ago?? It is also unbelieveable how I have let some people control me by being angry at them. Being angry makes you a prisoner of your own negative emotions and prevents us from experiencing life to it's fullest potential.
Enough thinking for today; I'm going home soon and I'm going to paint my living room a blue grey color, it brings out all my paintings and photographs on the wall.