There will come a time when you believe everything is finished.That will be the beginning.-Louis L'Amour
I've been thinking alot about when we go through hard times in life and there's a feeling that there isn't a way out of the problems that surround us. When I go through the past year in my mind there have been alot of downs, some so bad that I lost all hope and in a way gave up on the strength that is within me. About a year ago the Company I worked for was down sizing and I got the good old pink slip in the mail; this happens about a month after my grandmother died from battling cancer for 3 yrs. I thought that my life was going down the drains, my grandmother who was always like a mother to me and showed me so much support had been taken away and then my good income had been taken away from me. It was a time in my life that I seriously thought that everything good had come to an end. I couldn¥t sleep worrying about the bills and the future for my son.
One day I get a call from a Company to Freelance a website for them, they had seen something I had designed by accident and got a hold of me. I got a few other Websites to Freelance and all of a sudden I was actually making more money than at my job, I couldn't believe how my luck was turning around and I hadn't even done anything to get these jobs? Eventually I get offered a better paying job working for the same Company but under a different Department, that just topped it all of , I started thinking that this is too good to be true there's something bad going to happen?
Anyway that was a time for me where I thought everything I had worked so hard for was finished, but it turned out to be just the beginning. Sometimes changes can be so hard and going through them is harder than staying the same; but in the long run change has always offered me a chance to grow and open my mind up to the beautiful possibilites that exist in this World.