Sunday, August 29, 2004

It was pride that changed angels into devils

It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.
-Saint Augustine

I woke up this morning and had my strong cup of coffee and contemplated this saying by Saint Augustine; it says it all and you can apply it to everything in your life. When I feel proud and defensive my life usually takes a turn for the worse and I'm faced with the fact that I can be evil. I've been thinking alot about humility but my pride keeps telling me don't let go, Be proud and strong! When I have experienced humility and embraced it my life has in the end taken a turn for the better. This is a never ending struggle between two extremely different forces and being aware of it can hopefully help me accept humility as a better choice. I'm reminded of the devil and the angel on the guys shoulder's in the cartoons I watched when I was growing up, it's actually the easiest way to describe this to anyone.

So I have had some humiliating issues going on in my life and all I could do was let go of the situation and go on with life. Life doesn't stop if my ego or pride have been hurt; it does stop though if I get stuck in a never ending battle to defend my pride. I am a child of this earth and make mistakes, I have a right to and embracing this fact makes me realize that humility is actually the biggest strength I get to go on and take life for what it is and isn't.