To make a long story short; this man flagged the Bonus flag on the parliament building 2 weeks ago (Bonus has a logo of a piggy bank and is one of the corrupt businesses here). This young man was arrested last night on an old charge which was supposed to have been expired. Anyway, legally the cops weren't supposed to do this but did because this man is a very organized protester and has been protesting the building of dams here for a few years. They didn't want him around the protests today, so they locked him up.
My mother and I arrived a little late at the police station and were really shocked. People had broken up the doors to the station, broken windows and ended up getting maced by the police. There were around 300 people still chanting that they wanted this man released now. People had drums and some were throwing eggs at the police. It was so surreal, I'm watching my Government fall apart. So many people have lost all respect for our authority and it's completely understandable. After about an hour of standing in the rain they let him out. An anonymous man had paid his bail.
This is getting more organized. On December 1st people in Iceland are all encouraged to walk out on their jobs at 3:00 P.M. and head downtown to protest some more. If the people in office haven't left in a week there are some that are threatening to walk into the parliament building and carry them out, haha.
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