Wednesday, January 31, 2007

2 Steps Back, 1 Step Ahead

I haven't slept at all and it's like 7 in the morning. I found out yesterday that I had screwed up all my paper work regarding my Company's invoices. I managed to make a document with a JavaScript that calculates all my hours, total pay and tax. It took me 3 hours to work out the programming but I finally got it. I feel like I have totally mismanaged my time in the past few months but sometimes life is about taking a few steps back to get ahead.

I feel so happy and content even though I've been working insane hours and not sleeping enough. I'm so incredibly happy that I'm making this dream come true, but I've felt like giving up twice a day since September. I'll get a panic attack and think I'm crazy for trying this out. It's better to take a chance than live with regret; I can't imagine growing old and having a bunch of dreams that I never had the courage to pursue.

My son is up and it's time to go eat some breakfast. I love the silence this early in the morning and the neurotic high of not having slept for 2 days.

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