I haven't blogged about my job situation and what's been going on in my life. On March 15 this year the U.S. Navy announced that it was leaving Iceland by the end of October this year. I'll never forget how I received the news, I was petting my cat and watching the Icelandic evening news and the report came on. I thought it was pretty lame to announce this on public TV instead of getting the news at work from our employer. So there it was, the facts which couldn't be avoided. I had heard that they were leaving but didn't think it would be this soon or quick. On that day 850 Icelandic people found out that they would be out of a job by October 1st.
I went to work the next day and the atmosphere was so depressing and strange. All of the employees were called into the hangar and the Commanding Officer talked to us about reducing a "foot print"? What surprised me is the fact that nothing was really mentioned about what would become of the Icelandic employees. They basically talked about the transition the military personnel would be going through. About a month later our boss did have a private meeting with us and answered questions.
Yeah it's been a sad and difficult time for many. I haven't really gotten nervous yet and still haven't started looking for a job. I have been an employee at the Base for 7 yrs. and some of the people I work with are like family to me. I loved getting to know how life in the military was and finding out that deep down inside we're all basically same. Also, running the base website, designing for them and photographing has taught me so much about how things are done professionally. I still get moments where I'm pissed at the DoD and Bush, but there is an acceptance creeping in. This is an opportunity which can open many doors in my life, if I'm willing to move on.
I'm taking a test tomorrow which will give me a list of all professions which are compatible with my personality and interests. I've seriously been thinking about going back to college and learning something new or adding to my Associates Degree in Graphic Design. Who knows what the future may bring?