I haven't written anything since April. So much has happened and the world as we know it has changed, it will never be the same.
My employer sent me to the States in May-June for some courses. I went to Boston and New York City. I stayed in cheap hotels but had a great time. Tyler's aunt showed me around Boston and we had a great time. My other class was in the heart of Chinatown, NYC. I rented a hotel room in the Village and walked downtown every morning. I really miss New York; the fast pace but kind people if you know where to look. I enjoyed myself those 2 weeks. The first night in NYC I bought some Foster beers and sat down with a band in Washington Square Park. I listened to some real Blues and true feelings that came from the heart.
Today that innocence is gone. On September 11, 2001 the Twin Towers in NYC were bombed. All my dreams and plans have been altered; I think everyone affected indirectly or directly can agree. Our sense of security is gone forever.
About 3,000 people died in these attacks. I can't even imagine what downtown Manhattan looks like at the moment. God, please give the world strength to overcome it's differences. Please let the world find acceptance and tranquility.