Saturday, September 30, 2006

Brainstorming Through the Endless Night

I couldn't sleep at all last night and felt like I was going to go nuts. It's a really busy week for me and I hate it when my sleep is messed up like this.

I decided to start working on my own corporate identity which I have been having major problems with designing. I dug up an old book from when I went to the Art Institute and started reading it. It's about graphic design principals, written by Armin Hofmann. He is basically writing about all the fast changes that started happening in the Design world after WW II and how schools haven't been able to adapt to it. Hey and I realized this book was written in 1965, long before computers were being used for designing.

So, I'm reading this book and realize why I have been feeling so burnt out lately; I feel like my ideas are always repeating themselves in some way or another. Armin talks about how we get so caught up in the stress of designing what is popular instead of listening to our creative instinct. So while I'm laying there in bed I start getting these ideas from these simple dot exercises he has in the book. All of a sudden I start thinking, that isn't going to sell, it's too weird and different? Anyway, I'm going to listen to my instinct and try a whole new approach to how I'm setting up my site.

Long day ahead of me but I feel some optimism creeping in ;-)

Monday, September 18, 2006

What the hell am I getting into?

I haven't blogged on here in a while, it's been a crazy year so far. A lot of changes going on and I like to think that they are for the better. I started taking a class last week that teaches you how to start your own business. I woke up this morning and got a panic attack and thought "What the hell am I getting into?" I have a fear of not succeeding and I'm starting to think that the 9-5 office environment is a lot safer than working on my own.

I've been trying to come up with a name for my company and finding one is no joke. I want one that sounds good in Icelandic but can also be marketed on an English speaking market. BTW, any ideas are welcome my dear friends ;-)